Takayuki Omori

Associate professor
Faculty of Informatics,
Shizuoka University, Japan


Takayuki Omori obtained his Ph.D. in Engineering from Ritsumeikan University in Japan. He is currently an associate professor at Shizuoka University. He is interested in software development environment/tools, program understanding, software maintenance and evolution, programming education, and how software affects humans and the human society. In these years, he has been mainly working for analyzing fine-grained code changes in software development to clarify how software developers work.

He has taught software engineering, object-oriented technology and UML, distributed systems, and computer architecture. He has also taught compiler, TCP/IP network, robot programming, logic circuit, and hardware (single-board computer) in classroom experiments.



OperationRecorder, which records developers' editing operations, code snapshots, and tool interactions in Eclipse.


My publication list is here.


E-mail: tomori at inf.shi-----.--.--


Takayuki Omori - Shizuoka University Faculty Profiles
Takayuki Omori - DBLP